Summertime....and the living is easy... or so the song says! But we stayed very busy over the summer months serving Randolph residents, learning how to improve our services and preparing for exciting changes on the way!

A number of volunteers participated in the South Shore Food Bank Leadership Program to learn how to leverage resources and establish partnerships to build a strong, sustainable organization that addresses food security.

We picked up fresh fruits and veggies from Brookwood Community Farm in Canton thanks to a generous donation of farm shares from Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital - Milton.

We got locked out of our bathroom! Don't ask....just know that we got it fixed (Thanks Ron!)

We continued weekly distributions to Randolph residents in need.
We did get some time for R&R with family and friends when it wasn't raining. The beach called some of us, the woods called others and while some had a "staycation" they could be found in their yards pulling weeds (or mushrooms thanks to all the rain).
With the summer winding down, we're excited to start turning a new page at the pantry. Same committed volunteers, just new processes.

We'll be learning how to GO DIGITAL in September! We're connecting to a software package made available by the Greater Boston Food Bank. This will allow us to more easily store and retrieve information and speed along the Monday distribution process.
We have fancy new laptops and iPads courtesy of a grant from Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital Milton that will make check-in a breeze and decrease waiting times. We'll be working on additional registration and check-in processes over the next year. Stay tuned!

With the help of our friends in the Mass in Motion program at Town Hall, we're getting many of our documents translated to improve communication with residents for whom spoken English is not their preferred method.
Stay up-to-date on our exciting changes by following our blog and social media posts. Come visit us on September 23 at the Randolph Intergenerational Community Center (RICC) in Pleasant Street where we'll have a table at the Social Services Fair. We'll gladly accept your donation of non-perishable items or your check.